Is this server streamer friendly?

Yes, we work to ensure there's no explicit content in the server. There is also a Streamer mode available on the phone If you spot any, please let us know.

The server may still contain copyrighted content - see copyrighted content

Will I get banned from GTA:O for playing FiveM

Nope! FiveM does not interact with the Rockstar Online Services other than to validate your game copy the first time you launch it. This validation emulates the game's interaction, and can not be detected by Rockstar. FiveM also doesn't modify your game files at all, even when downloading server assets, so you don't have to do anything to switch between FiveM and GTA:O.

Why does FiveM ask me for login information?

They need to do this to check if you actually own GTA V, when their automatic validation fails. This data will only be sent to the Rockstar Social Club services, and is not transmitted to them, or any other party.

Is the server open to anyone?

The server is invite only during the testing phase

The server will be on a whitelist (allowlist) only. Those who are interested should apply. This may change at a later time.

Does this server have copyrighted music?

Loadscreen music is copyright free

Yes - GTA V contains copyrighted music in the game

You should turn down the radio volume and such in your GTA game settings if this is a concern for you.